/** * Created by troy on 5/17/2015. */ $(function () { // Adds browser version on html class. $.browserSelector(); var $html = $('html'), $isMobile = $html.hasClass('mobile'), $width = $(window).width(); /********** lte IE 8 *************/ /* if ($html.hasClass('ie')) { if ($html.hasClass('ie6') || $html.hasClass('ie7')) { location.href = "/ie_upgrade.html"; } } */ /********** for smooth scroll *************/ // Adds window smooth scroll on chrome. if ($html.hasClass("chrome") || $html.hasClass('ie11')) { $.smoothScroll(); } /********** iPad orientation refresh *************/ // to prevent the menu&mobile-menu switch error if ($isMobile && (($width - 800) * ($(window).height() - 800)) < 0) { // to ensure the 'landscape' is wide and 'portrait' is confined. window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function () { location.reload(); }); } /********** for top line wechat QR code *************/ if (!$isMobile) { // desktop mouse $("#wechat").hover( function () { $("#wechat-QR").show(); }, function () { $("#wechat-QR").hide(); 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var mobileNav = $('#mobile-nav'); if (topLine.hasClass('show-nav')) { topLine.removeClass('show-nav'); mobileNav.slideUp(200); } else { topLine.addClass('show-nav'); mobileNav.slideDown(200); } }); } /******************** for index slider ********************/ try { if ($html.hasClass('ie8')||$html.hasClass('ie9')){ var swiper=new Swiper('#main-swiper', { mode:'horizontal', loop: true, autoplay: 5000, pagination: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: true }); $('.swiper-button-prev').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); swiper.swipePrev(); }) $('.swiper-button-next').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); swiper.swipeNext(); }) }else if ($isMobile) { // mobile new Swiper('#main-swiper', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: false, speed: 1000, autoplay: 5000, autoplayDisableOnInteraction: true, loop: true, parallax: true }); $('.swiper-button-prev').removeClass('swiper-button-prev'); $('.swiper-button-next').removeClass('swiper-button-next'); } else { // desktop new Swiper('#main-swiper', { pagination: '.swiper-pagination', paginationClickable: false, nextButton: '.swiper-button-next', prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev', speed: 1000, autoplay: 5000, autoplayDisableOnInteraction: true, loop: true, parallax: true }); } } catch (e) { //console.log("no swiper"); } /***************** for key access list ***************/ if ($width > 800) { $("#list-pic-tab").find("li").mouseenter( function () { if (!$(this).hasClass("current")) { $("#list-pic-tab").find("li").removeClass("current"); $(this).addClass("current"); $(".list-image").find("div").hide(); $(".list-image a:nth-child(" + $(this).data("order") + ") div").show(); } } ); } else { $('#list-pic-tab').find('li').first().removeClass('current'); } /***************** for quick link ***************/ if ($width > 800 && !$isMobile) { $("#quick-link").find('li').hover( function () { $(this).addClass('current'); $(this).parent().addClass('hover'); }, function () { $(this).parent().removeClass('hover'); $(this).removeClass('current'); } ); } /***************** for sub-page menu ***************/ var $menu = $('#menu'); if ($menu.length > 0) { if ($width > 768) { // desktop menu /***************** for sub-page menu current confirm ***************/ $menu.find('a').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('href') === 'index.htm') { $(this).parent().addClass('current'); 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clear text-indent ***************/ $('.content p').find('img').parent().css('textIndent', '0'); /***************** index bgpt & xnmh LAN/WAN switch ***************/ if ($('.bgpt').length) { // check if a small image in 'bgpt' can be accessed $.can_access('/Uploads/201701/5875e0f8508dd.gif', function (e) { $('.bgpt').each(function(){ $(this)[0].href = '#'; }) }, null); } if ($('.xnmh').length) { // check if a small image in 'xnmh' can be accessed $.can_access('/Uploads/201701/5875e0f8508dd.gif', function (e) { $('.xnmh').each(function(){ $(this)[0].href = '#'; }) }, null); } });